That's pretty much like ours, it's designed to the German PassivHaus standard, we'll have mechanical heat recovery, and a "labyrinth" (your Canadian pit), no ground source heat pump but we've got a lot of land so will be putting in a sizeable wind turbine if we get permission from the council.
I'll post some pics on a separate thread when I get the chance, our architect does stuff on paper not electronically.
Ah! Very nice!

Our intention was not really to build a Passive House, but just be as independent as possible from external power/energy suppliers. As the house is drawn out now, we'll only require the electrical power company for electricity, and that's about it. And to minimize those needs also, same as you we also plan on putting a wind turbine in our back yard. (I forgot to mention that) The turbine we plan on should be able to deliver about 75% of our electrical power needs. With the ever increasing energy cost these days, I believe you cannot invest too much into this kind of stuff!
If you don't mind me asking, what will you use for heating? We chose the heat pump with bore holes (type ground/water) because we believe that type provided best value for money.
Looking forward to those pics, I try to read/see as much as I can about this subject.