in the future I'd like to see something that bridges the gap between cold electronic device and warm analog page-turning a little better. Perhaps something with multiple flexible pages.
My thought was a device that had ePaper on the front and back and an accelerometer. It starts by loading the first page on the front and the second page on the back. To turn the page, you flip the device over, at which point it loads page 3 on the front, etc.
This helps with the page refresh and also helps it feel a little more like a real book, while being currently feasible. Fails on the seeing-two-pages-at-once front, though. Also doesn't help on the flipping back. Maybe waiting about 5-10 seconds to load the new page on the dark side would help a little. Still, most cases of multi-page flipping is better solved by search anyway.
A device that had multiple flexible pages would be neat, but that's definitely a ways off.