If only there was a headless Mac between the Mini and the Mac Pro, my decision would be that much simpler.
Thank you! I've been dealing with the exact same issue. I'm interested in going with a Mac, but my driving motivation is a desire to do heavy video editing, which just doesn't seem doable on a Mini. But if I go with a Mac Pro, the build I'm looking at (with only
very minor upgrades and RAM purchased elsewhere) is going to start me at around $3000. And there's no reason for me to get an iMac when I have a 30" monitor.
So Apple's got me. I'm currently saving up, selling off some unused electronics, and even cashing in some 20-30 year old savings bonds to get a computer. Apple Wins. Ugh.
...I'm still going to put Windows on it, though

Thanks for these updates on your Drobo, Rob. I've been very interested in getting one for quite some time now, but the cost is always so prohibitive. Newegg has a pretty good deal right now though, I believe it's about $380 for the Drobo 2. The fan noise would indeed bother me, though. I have two Western Digital MyBooks, and they are utterly silent. Very impressive. But I also have about 5 random SATA drives floating around unused, and even if they're only 250-350GB, they'd still be usefull in a Drobo.