Ok, I got mine three days ago, and I am so impressed. I too had a similar feeling then when I got my first empeg.

This device is so nicely done that I really perceive "quality" in it.
And, I really, really like how it sounds! Yes, I too find it does has bass, and it sounds chrystal clear. Given its size, it's the best boom box I've personally ever heard.
So, thank you all for recommending it!
I use it in my bedroom as an alarm clock, mostly, but I am seriously considering to buy another one for the kitchen/living room, until I decide to put some money into a serious 5.1 (or better) system.
I use it via an ethernet port to my music server, and setup was quick and easy.
User interface and display do remind me of the empeg, and that is good

I find that switching between "now playing" and the "menu" mode is quick but somehow confusing. I really wish they completely adopted the empeg menu navigation (and operation)style. But, still, UI is overall good.
I wonder if there's any customized firmware available?
Anyway, I am so happy with this. I do recommend it!