Originally Posted By: JBjorgen

In whose fantasy world does it work like that? You think that the tabloids compensate celebrities for the money they make off the pictures they publish? Do you think they should have to?

Either way...I don't know of any places that actually work like that, so you wouldn't actually be collecting anything.

I am not sure how it works in the US, but here in the UK if a paper prints something like that it has been through an editorial process and is deemed in the public's interest, in theory at least. This gives them a different set of rights to publish the pictures without a release. They can't just go posting pictures of people along with bogus stories without permission. Please correct me if I'm wrong, this is just my understanding.

When ever I take commercial pictures of a model I ask them to sign a model release so I can use the pictures, if no money has exchanged hands I just ask for verbal confirmation and then respect any requests at a later date. As my interests are not in the public's interest, they are for my gain.

Now look at why Google are doing StreetView, is it in the public interest? Or is it for commercial gain? Not very clear cut. From my point of view I don't think it's really in the public's interest at all, and it's all about Google getting people onto it's website and maintaining it's domination. I think StreetView pushes the current laws to a limit where we all need to think about our own privacy, after all the laws would have been written when such an idea didn't even exist, not even in concept.

