One gift that surprised me (mainly because I hadn't given it any thought) was the
Bum Genius DIaper Sprayer. It's just a rebranded general-use sprayer that ties into your toilet's water supply line, but seems generally useful. Took me about 2 minutes to install.
It's funny reading the comments at sites like Amazon. Thing thing will absolutely not leak if installed correctly (unlike one comment). If someone's getting water spraying al over the place chances are they shouldn't turn the tap on all the way. Most people don't have common sense, and when it comes to comments, generally it's people who like to listen to themselves talk that write the best negative ones.
The Diaper Champ doesn't seem to be available in Canada, but after evaluating how the various similar products operate (manuals), I think it's definitely the right one to get. I'll have to pick it up in/around Buffalo in a week or two.
I already used the prospect of a child as one of the reasons for acquiring my Nikon D300 in late 2007.

Now it's the reason for light stands, some backdrops and a couple of extra flash heads.