Facebook. I think it's getting obvious that this thing is a few steps lower on the social evolutionary ladder than AOL. My wife uses it and I cringe. Fingers crossed that it goes away in a few years.
Yeah, that's not going to happen. It only has something like 300 million users. And comparing it to AOL? I don't see that.
Pandora... It's radio. Radio you have to pay for. No thanks.
Okay, I really want you to tell me how that statement is at all accurate. I listened to Pandora for a couple hours yesterday. Didn't pay a dime. I also didn't hear a single announcer or commercial the entire time, didn't hear a single repeated song, or a bunch of crap the record companies are trying to push. 95% of it was stuff I liked, and for the other 5% I could just skip it.
So no, it's nothing in the least like terrestrial radio, and it's completely free. You get some benefits from the paid version, but you don't "have to" pay, as you assert.
Anyway, sorry to get off topic. I maintain that Apple puts on more spectacle in these press conferences, and does so more than other companies. Did Microsoft have Norah Jones at their WMC event? "Ladies and gentlemen, we think the new camera in the nano is so great, here's Norah Jones!"
I agree with Lifehacker
here. That feature excites me more than anything else they mentioned. Of course, that's because it will fit my uses perfectly. This way, when my wife asks me to add something to iTunes, I don't have to launch it on her computer. I can simply put the files in the iTunes folder on our NAS, and the next time she opens it up, it'll get done.
Up until now, I've been putting the files on the NAS, and opening iTunes on my computer to add them to our library, which would then get updated when she logged on. Now I can (thank goodness) uninstall iTunes from my PC. Woohoo!
ps- oh, and this is a feature Songbird had before iTunes