My first home internet experience was in 1995, using someone else's Demon account
My friend started out with Compuserve, but I somehow bagged us tickets for a trade show at the NEC. There we picked up a couple of floppies for the new ISP Pipex Dial. The floppies gave you a months internet for free, you just paid for the call. When the month ran out we worked out a trick that got us another month, then another, then another... it was the closest we ever got to phreaking anything! I can't remember how long it was until Pipex changed something but it must have been a while because by that time BT had started their packages and I moved over to that as soon as it was released I think.
I remember being very excited that Demon had opened a PoP in Shrewsbury, or at least on a Shrewsbury number, but by this time I think it was 1996 and I had moved upto Leeds to work for BT. I can remember my first day on the job asking about what work I will get to do with the internet, and no one had a clue what I was going on about. It wasn't too difficult to rise to the top of that pool!
I remember getting all my Amiga PD stuff from
17 Bit Software in Wakefield. I used to go an visit them from time to time. They used to have what seemed at the time to be 100's of Amiga copying stuff all the time, but in reality would have been no more than 10-20 machines I think. I am not sure why, but I never connected my Amiga and the modem, it just wasn't something I thought the Amiga did, PC's did geeky stuff like that
