I'd argue that anyone that claims Windows 7 is drastically different than XP is simply being mesmerized by the additional gloss.
Mac OS 9 to Mac OS 10 was a huge difference. Not much of a fundamental nature has changed in the day to day aspects of Windows for the user. I've spent about 10 minutes with 7 but a lot longer with Vista (which I'm trying to forget still to this day).
I initially thought Bitt was describing a W7 problem BTW. Quickly, I found that sharing and networking are as horrible with W7 as they are with XP. Vista and yes, even W7, are pretty much design masturbation on MS' part. They're not actually fixing any problems, while creating plenty of new ones. Apple has some of these elements in its latest releases too, but for the most part the OS moves forward. The friend who's computer I was using on the weekend can't stand W7 and the only reason it's on their machine is because the machine came with it when procured by their IT department (who also manages all admin duties on these machines).
I'll stick with XP - where my Icons don't jump around.