Some of the best episodes of The X-Files were one-off episodes.
I'd argue that the only good ones were the one-off episodes. I hated the mythology episodes.

Exactly what I was going to say. The problem with that show had
nothing to do with the one-off episodes. If anything they saved the show. The problem with the X-Files was that Chris Carter clearly didn't have a single clue where he wanted his show to end up.
X-Files' worst crime, IMO, was the resolution of what happened to Mulder's sister. The end of that episode was beautiful and touching, but once it was over I realized that it completely demolished the entire motivation of the show's main character.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but he eventually discovered that she was killed by a serial killer, right? And the lights he'd seen in his apartment that we'd been shown dozens of times was just the headlights of the killer's car, right?
Sorry, but that annoyed me. Mulder's entire motivation was the assumed alien abduction of his sister. But here is the show saying she wasn't kidnapped by aliens. ...BUT THERE ARE ALIENS. But are there? YES THERE ARE! Or maybe not. No, definitely not. WOAH SURPRISE ALIENS EXIST!!
God, I started getting tired of being jerked around by that show.
Bitt, we have extremely similar taste in TV. It's eerie. I frequently cite
Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose as my absolute favorite episode of that show. I kept a VHS tape around of it for years, and now I simply keep that one episode on my hard drive at all times. Love it.
Another of my favorites was from one of the last two seasons. It's the episode starring
Joe Morton (Terminator 2, Eureka), where he wakes up in prison not knowing why he's there, and each day he wakes up one day earlier.
A while ago I made a DVD with those to episodes and the one with Ed Asner and Lily Tomlin as ghosts.