Sorry if I confused anyone with the post.

I'm a little confused by the posts under this one.. to clarify..

Digital River run the SONICblue eStore. They ship only to North America.

Got it

The international store will be run by empeg. We will ship only outside of North America. There's no point trying to order anything from empeg if you're in the USA. I don't know who told you otherwise.

It was a customer service rep from Digital River as I am under the assumption they probably sub-contract 1st and 2nd lever service requests from DR just like my company does. (We also use DR for US and INternational distribution of our eStore)

In any case we have NO sleds here in the UK, I shipped every last one of them to the USA. Apparantly there is some kind of pointy haired battle going on to get them listed on the eStore.

I didn't doubt that you did that. I am just wondering which pointy hair we need to apply pressure to in the US to get them listed on the eStore seeing how we know they have them. A friend suggested DOS their phone system but I thought that would be a bit extreme *JJ*

We will get sleds into stock here in the UK as soon as we can get them from the manufacturer. I hope that will be by the time the store opens on July 1st but I suspect we will be out of stock for a couple of weeks.

Thanks for the info and sorry again for the confusion.
