Let's see what this tool has to say about the state of your hard disks, please?
Here are pictures of source and destination drives.
I think the hardware is OK, but there is something very flaky going on with the computer as a whole. Right now it works for about a minute, then freezes: no mouse, no keyboard, and when the diagnostics are on screen, no disk activity, no memory activity, then it will start working again. It has frozen twice in the process of typing this post.
Neither one of my backup programs will copy more than a handful of files before it freezes up, yet Windows Explorer copied 90 GB of files at an average rate of around 50 MB/sec without any problems at all.
I ran an 8-hour MemTest with zero errors.
I can't deal with this anymore tonight, I'm going to shut it off, and hope it works better in the morning.