I have a Gaggia Titanium, which I think TayM will recognise as being in the top of the home ranges, it grinds the beans and does everything else except drink it for you, it's on a level with reataurant or coffee bar machines, to my taste.
Indeed. Gaggia is usually considered an excellend coffee machine manufacturer, and yours in particular is actually well known to be a star among coffee machines

However, one of the mysteries of life is why French coffee made in a cafetiere (A british invention, incidentally!)
I hope I did not start a food/drink competition among EU countries. I was just being funny, purpose being exactly the opposite!

in France tastes absolutely cosmic:
I agree. I've been to Paris 2 or 3 times a year in the last 4 years, for work, and I definitely enjoy French coffee from any Cafeterie around. It is a similar way to drink it to the Italian, incidentally: small cup, you can have it in cafeterie round the corner pretty much anywhere, they make it quickly and you usually drink it while standing at the bar.
It is not as strong and concentrated as the Italian version, and you will find more of it in the cup. Still very good!

Incidentally, "espresso" means "quick, fast". So, "Caffè espresso", here in Italy where the expression originated, simply meant - and still means - a "quick coffee", and it refers to bar coffee, which, given the power and pressure of the machines, is prepared in 1 minute or so, as opposed to the traditional caffettiera ("macchinetta") at home, which takes longer - you need to wait that the water boils and then filters up through the coffee powder tank.
The idea is that you may just step in a bar for 5 minutes during the work day, get a coffee, in 1 minute, leave.
You can bring the coffee back with you, but it just doesn't taste the same at home.
Yes, I find that a mysterious phenomenon that actually happens with every bar here. No matter how good your home coffee machine is, you can only hope to get close to what they make at the bar. I can't explain why. It must be some coffee magic law.
Anybody want to get in to the mysteries of good tea making?
I'd love too

. Will I need some dedicated device?