Apple TV: Total write-off at this point. Even after a jailbreak, the hardware is far too underpowered to actually do full HD. It will forever be relegated to semi-HD.
I'm still puzzled as to why exactly they made the new Apple TV. Hardwarewise, its very similar to the old one except no HD and its an ARM instead of x86 processor. Neither supports 1080 output at all which is pretty lame considering how widespread 1080 is these days. You could argue that streaming 1080 would be rough but you could have 1080 content on your computer somewhere else.
Oh and regardless of the platform and price, there's always going to be some joker that thinks he can build a micro PC based on an NVIDIA ION platform for less money. When they've spent $300+ and are still left with essentially a box of loose parts and completely crap integration, maybe they'll clue in.

Yeah. You'd do it either for the challenge of doing it or because you want to customise it. If you're doing it to be cheap then you've already lost the battle before you even started.