Plus, I do live in an apartment, and the trash is about a 600' walk away.
You know that you can get a 5 gallon bucket from Home Depot for, like... $3 right?
I was responding to a person who said that they put the litter in a bag and then put the bag in the trash outside. I can't do that because I'd be walking out to the trash every single night, which I don't feel like doing. I currently put the bags in my trash inside and then take it out every other day because we have a 13 gallon trash can that fills up quickly.
There are a couple reasons I don't use grocery bags. They aren't designed to hold cat waste - odors leak from these much more than bags designed for the purpose. Similarly, about half the plastic bags I get from the store have tiny or larger holes in the bottom (possibly from carrying the groceries and stretching the seams in the plastic). Sure, I'm talking about 2mm holes at most, but that's enough to let little pieces of soiled waste through and again, lets odor through. Also, no matter how tight you tie the handles together, it's not an air-tight seal.
I'm currently using
these bags which stow in
this. Despite the 22 cents per bag, it's still worth it for the convenience. Still, I think I can do better