And, of course, you can't
watch the videos if you don't have Microsoft Silverlight installed. Fail.
They really only care about people that drink their kool-aid, so why pander to different audiences?

I know I'll draw the ire, and I'm not forgiving MS for this, as I don't have silverlight installed either, but I will point out that this isn't much different from what Apple did at their last press conference.
(I will say, for the record, that Android 2.2 on my Droid X was a world of difference better than Android 2.1.
The improvements you experienced weren't issues for my Nexus One, but I definitely experienced the same huge difference with the upgrade. 2.2 just sped things up considerably. And perhaps that's why your battery life improved - you were able to get things done faster and turn the screen off

As for the WP7, I think MS has a good product, and I'm interested in the platform, but I won't be switching due to the Google integration with Android. If, however, there were a full GMail client on WP7 and full integration with Google Calendar? Honestly, I would consider it. One of the reasons is that I'm scared that when my Nexus One eventually craps out or becomes totally obsolete, I honestly don't think I'm going to have a phone to switch to, since nobody seems interested in making a plain-jane Android phone anymore (even the G2 is sounding scary to me). The other reason I would switch is Zune Pass. It's hard to explain how awesome the Zune Pass is if you don't have it...