Originally Posted By: gbeer
Talk about cultural differences, Or maybe it just my age, but I was used to handing the CC over to the cashier, first for imprinting and then later swiping. When the buyer operated card readers (mag stripe still) appeared, I was put out about swiping the card myself. That was NOT MY JOB!

Having the consumer mess with the transaction terminal just slowed everything down. Still does.

Cash Rules!

Not that I disagree with you — quite the opposite — but cash slows down the transaction even more, but that's largely because no one running a register can make change any more without the register telling them what to do. I'm surprised that they don't have registers that tell the untrained-monkey-wannabes the exact coins that should be given back.

Then add on top of that this weird compulsion that they have to try and balance coins on top of bills and hand it all back to you at once.

And god forbid that you give them additional money after they plug it into the register; seldom has any person in the history of the universe been more dumbfounded.
Bitt Faulk