For me, a "netbook" or "airbook", or "Dell X1" (aka. Samsung Q30) is a very small, very light, notebook computer with good connectivity. Suitable for tossing into one's handbag or luggage for quick and easy travel, and for plugging into larger screens for presentations or whatever.

The Dell X1 I have was the last of the really expensive kind, when "small" meant a huge price premium. I bought it second hand for about half of retail.

The Apple Airbook (11") is a netbook just like it, except for the poor connectivity. Both have excellent metal shells, great keyboards and touchpads (the Apple being better, but lacking buttons.. call it a wash).

The new Samsung N210 here, is of lower cost construction, but superior to the Dell X1 by virtue of the much improved battery and charge duration. The Apple netbook has a much faster CPU and excellent looking construction, and way better software out of the box than either of the other two.

But I have my own software, so that last point is worthless to me, and the machine is too expensive (though possibly not overpriced), and too limited for my needs.

I have other, better connected notebooks with big/fast CPUs and more RAM.. that's not what a lightweight small travelbook needs.

