Andy, I know exactly what you mean. Usually my mom just waits for me to come over, which fortunately is easy because we live close by. She's very cautious so that's good, but sometimes I worry she'll miss an important Windows Update. She doesn't do a lot of wild clicking though, and at least I was able to move her off of IE

I will admit, I'll be a little happier when she's on the Mac one day. She already brings one home from work when she works from home, and wants to get one for herself when she retires. She called me one day, sounding worried. She said "I just got a message saying that I have all these viruses! What should I do?" After a little worrying myself and telling her to just click the X, I thought to ask "which computer are you using?" When she said the MacBook, I admit I chuckled a little (not to her amusement).