Okay - so I've got my beloved empeg back

and after a week of much blood, sweat and tears, from Dave at empeg as well as myself, I have
finally managed to get displayserver to work as well. Mostly. I guess there have been plenty of posts about this amazing little app and I love the java stuff
but, I can only get it to display on my web browser if I am connected to the web first. And when I try to get a song playing it starts to download it - which would take about 10 mins. If I try to open the IP using MS Media Player 6.0 it crashes. I can't see any way of using MusicMatch. Anybody managed it? This is so unfair as when I hooked my empeg up at my friend's house it all performed perfectly. Although, he is running Windows 2000 with some embedded player in his browser and has broadband internet *grumble* *grumble*
Steve - 18GB Mk II Sssmokey