Yeah, defense is a real problem because so few in congress actually understand where the money goes, but they all understand how much of the money goes to their districts to create jobs. The contractors and subcontractors spread their operations out across hundreds of congressional districts so that everyone loses something if programs are canceled -- even ones like the completely unnecessary F-35 alternate engine that the military doesn't want but Congress refuses to cancel because it creates a few jobs. We may as well just pay those people to dig a hole and then fill it up when they're done.

I understand the distinction you're making about both sides being responsible for fixing the problem, not necessarily that both sides caused it. But I think it's important to tell the story accurately that Democrats really are trying to meet the Republicans way more than halfway, but if you give these guys an inch, they take a mile. And now they're cheering on the prospect of a government shutdown.

House Republicans huddled late Monday and, according to a GOP aide, gave the speaker an ovation when he informed them that he was advising the House Administration Committee to begin preparing for a possible shutdown.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff