I'm still very happy with my Logitech DiNovo keyboard + mouse combo
PgUp/PgDn key cluster's not right.
Just to clarify what that means, is
this the right order?
Meh... the paint on the key caps doesn't matter, you can set your layout to whatever you like.

As Bruno points out, the UK keyboard actually has different key layout. Relative to a US keyboard, the backslash moves from above Enter to between Left-Shift and Z; the # symbol is on a key next to the Enter key (Shift+3 gets you a £).
As a "C" programmer (and mac user) I prefer the US keyboards to the UK ones, mainly because if I'm in bootcamp I can create "#" characters naturally rather than having to use Ctrl+Alt+3
This doesn't make any sense. On a real UK keyboard, # gets its own key.