The only time this wouldn't be the case is if she'd paid you money specifically to keep them.
All valid points. But it would give me a lovely warm feeling if you came back to me after a few years and I had all your pictures safe and sound. I think at that point I could charge quite a bit for "recovery" from my "vault" *cough*insurance*cough*payout*cough*

You can tell Amy I have put her pictures on a DVD in a plastic bag in the garden under the Rose bush to see how that works out for data archive

The new server is running a treat, the portable drive is in the safe and shared on the network, all my old 1Tb drives have been put to use and I have a couple of odd SATA drives that will be the first for archive use. I'm getting just over 30MB/s transfer which is much much better than my ReadyNAS Duo.
I was worried about the drive being spun up in the safe the whole time, but tests this afternoon have shown that is successfully spins down after a short period. Bonus! I was worried about the drive heating up in the safe and the hot air not having anywhere to go.
I suppose time will tell if this is a good solution or not.