From what I've been able to dig into, turning off Location Services entirely would disable this, but I'm not sure if it clears the existing file or not. May have to play around with that and see what happens. The downside of course is that all location based services do get shut down with that switch, so not even the basic Google Maps would function.

My current iOS devices are set to wipe the device if the unlock passcode is not entered properly after a certain number of attempts. This is mostly to protect work data that is on the devices. Unfortunately I'd likely not have time to blindly trigger this, as the phone goes into a lockdown for a minute after 5 failed attempts, and only a few more failed after that would initiate the wipe. It is really a shame that data privacy in the US is so weak these days. Even though I remained within the US, the Border Patrol had the right to search my laptop when they stopped me during my drive from Austin to SoCal. Do I have anything incriminating on the laptop? Not that I'm aware of, but I also don't want other people just randomly searching it. Nor would I want a cop in Michigan scanning my smartphone with a Cellebrite.