Crashplan seems like a super nice service and super cheap if you only have a reasonable amount of data to back up. Considering I have an unreasonable amount if I include everything, that wouldn't work out.

I think I'll stick to RSYNC from my ReadyNAS (which is the 2nd copy) to my web server for photos, but I might consider Crashplan for other document-type files which I also need to keep absolutely safe.
So, this brings me to the ULTIMATE question. Does anyone have a solution, commercial or otherwise of a truly completely idiot-proof photo backup procedure?
This is my ideal: A small box with an SD card slot connected to my parents' network. They pull an SD card from their camera and put it in the box. AUTOMATICALLY all the files are copied off the SD card, verified and then they remove the card. That box then uploads all the photos to a backup site. Which can be my web server or Crashplan or something like it. That box should probably have a drive in it to hold the copies. Optionally all the photos would also get sent up to some social site like Flickr or Facebook - but require privacy settings so we can restrict viewing access.
The bottom line is I'd love a way for them to be able to unload the images off their camera memory cards without interacting with a computer.
And if something like this doesn't exist, who wants to help me create this product and commercialize it?