I also have one that puts my phone in airplane mode when I leave it face-down at work, which I use to save battery while I'm in a closed area where I can't bring my phone.
Ooo, I'd forgotten about that. I had a similar rule but I can't remember why I stopped using it. I think it's because I would forget about it, then just happen to put my phone face down and I'd start missing calls. Still, I'll have to load up Tasker again...
Anyone used
this before? Apparently it's a more effective way of fine-tuning what runs in the background than using a task killer, though it requires root access.
Also no, but it sounds appealing. I think I'm going to root my Nexus One, just because I feel like wiping my phone and I want to install Titanium Backup so I don't lose all my Angry Birds progress

For some reason, my Nexus One has lost the ability to enable bluetooth. It's highly annoying, and I don't know if it's a hardware or software issue. I'll enable it, it'll start thinking like it's going to start it up, and then it just fails and goes back to the off state. My hope is that if I clean it off the problem will go away.
Coincidentally, I remember having the exact same problem after owning my G1 for a while...