Last time I checked, wait staff makes a kickass $4.35/hr (which is barely more than I made 20+ years ago as a student working at a register in a shop, student wage back then was $3.80/hr) while the state minimum is $7.35/hr. So no, it isn't quite the same as the grocery store checkout clerk.
This all sounds very strange to me. Here in Belgium, tipping is very much the exception. No-one ever does it, except maybe the occasional tourist who doesn't know better. Up to a few years ago, all receipts also mentioned 'service and tax included', so maybe that's where this came from. I don't know if the whole tipping thing is actually against the law here or something, but I do know it's just not done.
I understand the point others have tried to make that they want to have a hand in how well their service is going to be. Tipping is not the only way to make sure of that. Firstly, bad restaurants with lousy service don't last very long. Secondly, it *is* custom here that if the food is unsatisfactory to just say this, and they will usually come up with something else. If the food was just downright terrible and you don't want to give the kitchen a second chance at poisoning you, you just leave and don't pay. Of course, you can't do that after you've had the entire meal, obviously. Usually a bite or two are enough to convince yourself if the dish is edible or not.
The other thing I find very strange in this discussion is, as in the part I've quoted, how people in wait staff jobs can be employed
below minimum wage. I mean, isn't minimum wage not like the eh... absolute minimum an employer is allowed to pay his or her staff? Isn't it against the law to employ somebody below minimum wage? (it should be!). Having the staff living of tips is like having them live of money that's off the books. Which is illegal here also. (or course, the catering business is probably THE business where most money of the books is made of any job... well, that and the construction business anyway).
So as a rule, I don't tip. Ever. I'm totally with Cris on this. But I was a tourist in a country where it's customary to tip, I guess I would comply. But I know this would feel very unnatural to me. Same as haggling at a local market. I'm used to just pay the price that's asked. Even if this means I'm being ripped off.