I totally agree, and that's been my point from the beginning. I don't think that tablets are inherently useless, but I also think that $400 or more is a ridiculous price for what you get.
Uhhh... yeah. What
he said.
My wife has an iPad. She also has an iPhone. She also has an iPod. She also has a Touch. She also has an iMac. She also has a Kindle. It seems to me that, with the exception of the iMac, all of these things have overlapping functionality. What is an iPad other than a super-sized Touch. What does an iPod do that a Touch doesn't do? What does Touch do that an iPhone doesn't do? What does a Kindle do that an iPad doesn't do?
It is preposterous watching her pack for a trip. Her electronics checklist now runs to 22 separate items! On her last trip, she paid nearly $200 in overweight baggage charges. Aaaarrrgggh!
OK, [/rant].
