I always envied about iPhone users, that Apple was smart enough to give them the full storage space to install apps, not just a paltry about of onboard space and a slow SD card
I don't think it required any smarts at all. It was just kind of obvious and I could not imagine in what backwards universe Apple could have ever done anything different. In fact, to do anything different would require some type of severe mental deficiency.

I can only imagine that Google didn't have time to convene a committee to discuss it as they were too busy in meetings about the correct color blue.
Fortunately it looks like Google is moving away from SD for these purposes, and is urging manufacturers to only use them for added storage for stuff like media.
I'm not sure I follow here. How are they "moving away" if for the most part SD has never actually supported apps?
How many Android products even come with 32GB (or 64GB for that matter) of usable storage space today? Space that can be used for anything and everything from apps to data? Even today I can't honestly name a single Android phone that has 32GB of storage onboard. Sure, I've seen plenty advertising you can add an SDxx card, but which models have it already built-in?
It's almost as backwards as WinCE/WinMO devices that kept apps and data in RAM. They all did this at one point. If you forgot to charge your battery, you were done. WinMO devices were the biggest POS handhelds ever, and made 10-15+ year old Newtons look like they were from a hundred years in the future.