Mountain Lions are coming.

I don't have any hands on experience at this point (and will be under NDA once I do), but looking at the public info, I'm excited for the upgrade. Having lived with an iPad now for 2 full years, I'm glad to see more aspects of it come back to the Mac. I'm also interested in the deeper iCloud integration. That will help to start building more of a bridge between all my devices, be it one running iOS, or OS X.

Messages, already switched to using it as my communications client on the desktop. I can chat to anyone with an iOS device, and also keep my AIM/Google Talk contacts around. I do lose the continuous client feature from Trillian from AIM/GTalk, but I'm okay with that.

I'm also glad to see Apple remaining committed to the desktop side. Moving to a yearly OS X release just like iOS tells me Apple has managed to staff up enough to support both platforms. Compare this to 10.5 Leopard being delayed due to iOS 1.0 shipping on the iPhone in 2007.