Originally Posted By: msaeger
I am afraid to shake hands with you, you must have a grip like a vice smile I have only bought cheap can openers and have never had one break. The one I have has a metal handle but it was just a cheap one from a department store.

I have tried the side cutting kind and haven't had any luck with them either. I also would never want an electric one you can't wash those.

Well I have won way more arm wrestling competitions than I’ve lost smile

I think there are several issues at play here (as you see I’ve done way more thinking about this than I should). First, manufactures in general have been cutting costs and if quality goes down as a result big deal. Especially for an item under $10. I agree their reasoning is sound. Out of the last five can openers I gone through I’ve only returned one. Chances are the consumer will not waste their time returning an item under $10. Second, manual can openers are considered “low end” by many. After all, why would someone want to manually open a can when a machine could do it for you. Since the demographics target the low income consumer the manufactures create low cost, cheap, openers. Thirdly, I live in a rural area. Even the nearest Walmart is 20 miles away. So I do not often have the opportunity to “cruise the mall” or high end store.