The tablets I've seen have no built-in card slots, no standard USB connection, no ethernet, no keyboard, no VGA out. Many tablets do have HDMI and WiFi, but so do netbooks.
Tablets do have touch screens, and a very sexy UI. +2

They weigh about the same as a decent netbook, but cost more. Battery life is similar: 9-11 hours, not counting standby time.
I've got limited experience with tablets. Some of my pals work for RIM, and have (and Love) PlayBooks. But the only appeal I see from using them are the sexy interface and the awesome photo viewing.
Beyond that, I need a keyboard and pointer to get anything useful done.
I've also got two local buddies with iPads. One was given it for free from a course he took -- he absolutely hates it and has been trying to figure out a use for it. The other guy decided there was so much buzz that "they simply must be great". And has been regretting the waste of money ever since.

On the other hand, my on-line acquaintances (you guys) seem to like these things. Weird. But then, I like netbooks, so that makes me not exactly normal in your view either.

Maybe they appeal a lot more to the would-be wealthy crowd? You know, the folks who buy new smartphones every 2 years or so. For them, a tablet is larger screen for their smartphone? Dunno. Those toys are well beyond my budget range.
I think the tablets are pretty cool and fun to play with, but they just aren't more than a single use (photos) device for me now.