I haven't seen Google fighting MS yet where it counts, in the court room. So far they haven't intervened to prevent their OEMs from entering into agreements with MS. Motorola may be the holdout, but considering their position on the totem pole, it doesn't mean much.

But Google has been acquiring patents like a Hungry Hungry Hippo lately, so maybe they'll enter the ring at some point. I don't think it's any coincidence that the legal maneuvers have so far not been between the primary parties themselves.
Personally, I don't believe software or processes of any kind should qualify for patent protection (anywhere), so my ideal outcome would be for every one of these (and other such) patents to be invalidated. I won't hold my breath for that to happen. Things as they are, if MS and Apple ever did pool their efforts to go after Android on a legal front, it would be explosive. The odds-maker in me sees it as at least 10-1 in favor of MS+Apple.