After digging deep into the VPN application's settings, I found a setting called "allow connection to local LAN". Unfortunately, it's greyed out.

As it seems, there's no write access for this specific application so the settings can only be read, not altered. Which I find strange since this is my wife's own Mac, well, it's a company Mac of course, but I've installed it myself from scratch since Cisco's policy is: "we allow Macs on our network, but IT won't support them". So I have no idea how this application could become "read only", unless (most likely) this can be determined remotely by the network admins of the network the VPN client connects to.
I'll have my wife contact her IT department and ask if this can be changed. (I can already imagine the answer)
Another option might be to use the Mac's built-in VPN application, but I'm reluctant to test this, since I know that, if I make one simple mistake, her VPN key token will stop working and will have to be re-initialised, something than cannot be done remotely. This would mean my wife would have to drive up to her office just to do this (and most likely I would have to as well since as said IT refuses to support Macs). Still, it's tempting to try. (but she won't let me
