Updating to iOS 6 right now. Fingers crossed that everything doesn't go to shit.
I can't believe Apple also pushed out 10.8.2 today along with a bunch of app updates. Not a good idea to release so many updates at the same time. It makes it really challenging to identify the root cause of any issues.
Mac OS X 10.8.2 so far doesn't fix any of the two dozen egregious bugs I've found - some of them date back to Lion 10.7.0 - I still have to file official Apple radar bug reports for the majority of them however...

EDIT: Update seems to have gone fine. Still can't "activate" my phone number for iMessage. Notes still don't sync (imap account) and now when a note is created/edited on the Mac it just generates a duplicate, which still doesn't sync to the iPhone. Another useless (to me) icon I can't get rid of in the form of Passbook. OS update in general, yawn-fest.
My hope/belief that Apple will ever address even a portion of thse issues has pretty much disappeared. The thing is that normal "consumer" types find issues all the time but brush them away, either they don't realize they're bugs or they're simply not demanding enough to care.
As more stupid people start to use a product, it seems the product itself starts to become more stupid.