I just want to point out that you only do all of that stuff once. So yes, I still say it's easier.
Yes, but even if you only count all those steps once, it's still a LOT more effort.
Sorry, but I disagree. I strongly believe in spending a decent amount of time and energy up front in order to make little things easier for me in the long run. You may disagree, but that's your preference and there's products out there for you.
Besides, we're fixating on one feature of one product here. I have to imagine that there's more stuff we could think up for this.
And then there's the bigger issue: you all hate Hugo.

Now, I'll agree with an earlier statement that putting home automation in the cloud might have its problems. It's difficult enough to get signals to devices quickly enough when everything is based inside the home. I wonder if there's a way to do a combination of the two...