Thanks! Useful and interesting info!
I imagined the Bitcoin monetary supply would be controversial.
Their attempt itself to design it somehow independently from a central bank is very interesting (and brave!), yet I am afraid it is too simple, and may have to undergo changes over time.
It is based on transactions made by humans, so not that they tried to design the Money Supply system around an algorithm only, but still, actual monetary systems are not at all that simple.
Also, the finite supply is unrealistic, I think, in the long run.
A Bitcoin Central Bank seems unlikely as that's what Bitcoin wants to avoid in the first place (A Central Bank would be the third party they don't want, and fail their p2p model).
Also very interesting is that Bitcoin is supranational. The idea of a currency that does not depend on any Country Central Bank is very interesting and I think we should be looking at how such systems evolve. They are the future, in one way or another.
= Taym =
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