Right you are! How is your Raspberry Pi project coming along?
I played around with including the system keyboard a bit yesterday and am not really sure how it can be done reliably. As we know, some keyboards (Swype/SwiftKey) are able to send complete words rather than individual characters. This can be problematic, especially if one makes a mistake and sends 'risk' when they meant to type 'rush'. Swype will send 'risk' to the buffer and then display alternative words, like 'rush'. However, 'risk' will have already been sent down the line. A possible way around this would be to have a text field popup where one could compose a search string and then send it to the player when they were happy with it. At that point, I'm not sure if it would be faster than using the old method. But I'm going to code it up and see how it behaves.

Happy weekend to all.