Whether or not Google will eventually abandon VP9, like they did VP8, I couldn't say, as H.265 doesn't (yet) have the same dominance that VP8's competition, H.264, did when VP8 was released.
Agreed this is an area where they seem to be on the right path by trying to compete instead of catch up. Though the VP8 history looks bad for VP9 to work out. Mozilla bought into the message Google preached about VP8. Google then never followed through with dumping H.264 from Chrome, which ended up hindering VP8 adoption and widespread use. Having Google owned Motorola sue and lose over standards essential H.264 patents also didn't help.
They also developed SPDY, which is being used as the starting point for the HTTP 2.0 standard.
Ooo, thanks for that reminder. I had forgotten about SPDY, and hadn't realized HTTP 2.0 is based off it. This could be promising if Google's work continues to be migrated to a proper unencumbered standards organization.
And they certainly use HTML5.
They do, but they also actively embraced Flash inside Chrome and Android, just to spite Apple's own HTML 5 efforts with the iPad. I still don't trust Google in this realm. Especially since today I still can't play videos on Google+ inside Firefox properly. (also related to the VP8 issue above).
Personally, I just hope Google exits this blind rage mode they seem to be in, striking out at their big competitors in negative ways. It reminds me too much of Microsoft's behavior. The rivalry between Google and Facebook seems to be very unhealthy for Google. To the point it's lead to the negative reaction of them buying Nest. I can see lots of potential positive from it, especially considering the design angle Nest brings.
Hopefully it works out in a positive way. And congrats to Hugo for getting a small piece of that payout, it's well deserved