Originally Posted By: K447
Would one Amazon echo unit actually be enough? How many different room situations were shown in the demonstration video?

Ignoring the $100 invitation discount, five units doesn't seem unreasonable to have good coverage (even with the 'far field' eavesdropping technology), especially in the sprawling McMasions that have become so widespread. $1000 for the system - wonder how well it would actually work across multiple units?

I was wondering the same things. Even if you weren't in a "McMansion," you would need a few of these things to cover the areas shown in the video. That family had one in the kitchen, in their living room, and in the master bedroom.

Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
To someone like me, whose life does not revolve around his smartphone, it's kind of like having Siri with a built-in stereo system available any time I'm in the house, without having to dig a phone out of my pocket and navigate to the app, without having to pay for data minutes, and especially without having to pay $600 for a phone plus hundreds of dollars more in annual contract fees.

First of all: data minutes?

And none of that is necessary. You can pick up a Moto G for $180, never put it on a data plan, and it'll be capable of everything this thing can do and much more. Plus it has a screen and can be taken anywhere you want. And there's no reason to use iTunes.

There's a short moment in the echo promotional video that sums up the main issue I have with this thing: dad runs in from outside to ask the Echo how tall Mt Everest is. If I want to know that, I can stay outside, press the power button on my phone, and without unlocking it I can say "OK Google, how tall is Mt Everest?" I believe Siri works similarly now. If you already have a smartphone, this thing serves no purpose at all.