The time to sell the old iPhone 5 was much earlier in 2017 before Apple announced that iOS 11 would not support 32 bit hardware. Residual resale value in the iPhone 5 model I imagine has shrunk since.
Checking Glyde they are within $30 of each other, I'm fine with that, I got my nickles worth already, I think we paid $150 for it. It might become an iTouch for my 10yr old (that's her in my avatar, where did the time go???).
If you two still like the smaller form factor, the SE is a wonderful upgrade to the 5 and 5s
Thanks for reminding my about the SE. I though it was based on the 6, but you are correct it is (mostly) a 6S in a 5S case. I'm fine using a "retro" iPhone for a few more years

Congrats on the new house too!
The house is scary. Well the price of it is. Houses in MA are expensive, not San Fran expensive, and we need a good school district - my daughter is gifted & ASD, and we have a chance to get access into the Harvard town schools for low $500k.
I'll start a separate thread when things start moving - I'll have many questions to ask the empeg hive mind.