What you describe is correct for now. the upcomming Version 2.0 software will allow you to press and hold the buttons to jump to those search screens. (If I remember right anyhow.)

Ah, ok, that explains a lot. Strange that they've already put it in the manual then. I suppose this is also the reason why the power on/off button doesn't work yet.

Any particular reason for adding a second card?

Yes, because I'm too lazy to each time crawl underneath my desk to unplug my lan NIC card and connect the Empeg. I had this ethernet card laying around so I figured I might as well use it.

I've tried all your suggestions about my ethernet, but it still doesn't work. I've got 2 computers : one win 2000 machine and a win 98 machine. They are both equally powerful. The win 2000 machine has two NIC's in it : one for my LAN (at and one for my ADSL external modem.
The 98 machine now also has two NIC's in it, the first at (for lan) and the second was supposed to work with the Empeg. I've put that one on

Via Emplode I've put the Empeg itself on I checked this via the 'about' box on the empeg and it clearly stated it was at But pinging to the empeg results in a timeout error and 100% package loss.
Ive checked the cables. I've tried the network card of the lan instead (a 3Com card, the other one is a Realtek), but that also didn't work. (All my subnetmasks are

I have to admit though that all my NIC's are 10/100. Could this be the problem? Should I get a dedicated 10mbps card?

And lastly, welcome to the community.

Why thank you, it's great to be here!

Also, thanks Tony, but I've already read the FAQ. I was just confused because the manual (yes, I've actually read it...some parts anyway ) clearly states that this is an option. (page 31 @ bottom) It makes no mention of "in a future software release..."

Ah, yes something I also wanted to ask.

About Emplode : Is the database of the music also preserved on the empeg player itself? I mean, if for some reason I have to re-install my system because I say...install a new motherboard or something, which requires me to re-install windows and all my software. Would, when I first connect the the player again, Emplode pull all the info it needs from the player? Or do I have to make a backup of my emplode info somehow?

And another thing. I don't know how I did it, but if I seach for something now, it appends the results to whatever is playing at the moment instead of immediately playing the results (like it was) . There is no mention of this in the manual. I've found something abou this in the online manual, but it's hard to figure out since the buttons on the remote have changed.
Oh, BTW Tony, I've seen that in your FAQ you also always mention only the buttons on the old remote. Probably because this is also the one you have, but this is confusing to new users who have the other one. Can't you add both possibilities to your FAQ ? (I realise that this might be a fair amount of work)

UPDATE : nevermind that last remark : I've found it. On the new remote, it's the "select mode" button. I know I've pressed this button, but since I've seen nothing happen I figured it didn't have a function (yet). This may be good to know for new users.

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