Whether or not you get the "crispies" on a Mk1 is highly dependent on your particular audio system. The more components you have, the more likely it will happen. For instance, if you have just the empeg and one amplifier, you might be fine.

But if you have multiple amplifiers, or other components complicating the install (external crossovers for example, or you're running the empeg into another stereo), or if the amps are really cheap, or if there's anything wrong with your wiring, then the Mk1will exacerbate any existing ground loops and make them more audible.

The tuner on the Mk1 is not nearly as good as the tuner module for the Mk2/Rio Car. The Mk1 tuner is FM-only and doesn't get as good reception as the newer one.

The new one has very good quality (although some Mk2 tuner users are experiencing bugs in the software which will be corrected by the next software release).

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris