I don't know if this is a common thing or just something happening to me. I'm now using the backup utility for the first time, trying to backup my 12+ GB worth of fids. It's working fine, though I'm noticing it's getting considerably slower and slower as time goes on. I'm wondering if anyone has any intelligent guesses as to why that might be. What started at 500+ kbytes/second (according to EmpegBackup) is now slowed to 15 kbytes/second. My ETC (based on avg rate so far) is at 9.4 hrs, and getting longer and longer. My shift isn't quite that long, and I'm sure I'll want to go home at some point.

Secondly, what would happen if I aborted and then started it again later? Does it start over from the beginning, overwriting the fids already on my PC? Does it return an error because it can't overwrite the files? Could I be lucky enough that it would skip the files it already copied and resume with the fids I don't have copied? I suppose I could have just tried it, but I'm on such a roll (albiet a roll that's getting slower and slower) that I don't want to interrupt it.

--Chris Willenbrock
MK2 | 12GB | Queue Registration # 2 (really!)
- Chris Orig. Empeg Queue position 2