A little quirk I noticed...
You can search for all songs that aren't in any playlists (but are in the soups) using the advance search string "refs=0", but that case sensitive, so "Refs=0" doesn't do what you'd expect. It instead returns all tunes on the player.
This is the only field I see offhand that behaves this way (case-sensitive). I haven't really looked that hard, though. I noticed for fields like tracknr, it wouldn't matter if you typed "tracknr", "Tracknr", or "TraCknr"...it would still find the results correctly.
You also have to be careful, b/c with any other "equals zero" numeric value searches, if you specify a field that it doesn't recognize, it returns all tracks. A search for "madeup=0", it will return all tracks. So that's why "Refs=0" returned all tracks, even though they had more than zero references.
- Chris
32GB MK2 090000664 Smoke
Queue # 2 (who the heck was 1?)
- Chris
Orig. Empeg Queue position 2