And it is just TOO COOL for words....

Ok, so this makes me a nut or a fanboy for posting just because I bought one... I accept it. I suspect I am among like company.

A buddy of mine from work had one of the first units and encouraged a couple of us who are really MP3-heads to buy one. Finally, when it was announced that production was discontinued, he sent around an email again telling us about it. Oh, it was so temping... I thought about it and thought about it and thought some more. I got my firend at work to bring in his car with it, and give a 'Test Drive', so to speak. I was stunned at how well made, powerful, and easy to use it was. I was sold. Then, I brought it up with my wife (As any married guy can tell you, this is most important and delicate step) and she gave me the OK. Then, when I went to order it, I discovered the prices had just been cut. Oh no! Could the end of stock be almost here? Wait! I'll turn it to my advantage and get a bigger unit! Type.. Type.. Type... It doesn't say anything is out of stock.. Whew!

I went all out and got a 60gb unit, the tuner and screen kit (and just ordered a spare remote). Not so crazy for a guy who has a dedicated MP3/File server, with 60gb of RAID 1 storage, on his network at home. (and 1500+ Audio CD's in his collection)

Now... the only thing missing is the car to put it in... No problem. I just purchased that last week. Only thing is -- it won't be here until Feburary, so it's a desktop unit until then. But.. It's a very special car, and a very deserving home for the empeg player.

Certifiably nuts over MP3s and cool gadgets,
[green]-Matt Pritchard[/green] Riocar 60gig S/N : 010102081