They will just as rounded as the original. They should be "almost" an identical copy. In some hard to reach places they might have a little less detail but overall they will be a match. The backside will be solid, wereas the original is hollow.

In the picture the facia is flat because it is currently undergoing a roughing cut. The roughing process removes as much excess material as it can so that the finishing process only has to remove a small amount of metal and can concentrate on smoothing operations. To give you an example, the roughing process takes about 1.5 hours and removes about 90 percent of the excess metal. The finishing passes total about 7 hours and only remove 10 percent of metal. Once they are finished in the mill they must be manually deburred and then lightly polished. The final step is to send them off to an anodizer who will tumble and polish them even more and then anodize them.

My ultimate goal is to have them shipping in December. The only problem is time. I will only be able to make 1 a day and maybe 2 a day on the weekends.

Is anyone interested in a wood version? I can cut a wood version out of some really nice woods (cherry, walnut, mahogony (sp?)) and then sand them perfectly smooth and coat them with varnish. The cutting time for a wood facia would only be about 3 hours total. If you have any intrest in a wood facia, e-mail me at [email protected] and let me know what type of wood so I can pick some up.