Hi Tony.
I'm still trying to figure this stuff out because I also want to document it on riocar.org (speak of redundancy

Ok, let's leave the definition of the various counts aside, I still have problems with the basics. Is the following definition for the line format correct (Peter)?
shuffle#=< menutag >,{-}< tag >=< factor >{,{-}< tag >=< factor >{,...}}
Where the different shuffle modes are number in an ascending order, starting at 0 ("#"). The menutag is a simple string, the possible tags are defined seperately, the minus sign before the tag denotes that the associated tag's value
(multiplied by its associated factor) is substracted from the sum instead of being added.
The list of tags is seen as the definition of a sum, first multiplying each tag's value by its associated factor, then by "-1", if a minus sign was seen before the tags name, finally all those products are summed up. The sum (soonness factor) is then used as the key in the following sort (inappropriately named "shuffle"

). The sort is descending, so the larger the soonness factor, the earlier a song is played.
Is this correct?