All right. I went down to the not-so-lousy A/V shop here in town and got some more first-hand information. I decided that I truly love seeing NTSC on an HDTV monitor. I've hated scan lines ever since I got my first largish TV. I also determined that I absolutely love anamorphic DVDs. But I think I also got some misinformation from the salesman. He was obviously very much into pushing the Sony. He claimed that he was unaware of a TV besides the Sonys (Sonies?) that would support unsquishing anamorphic signals. (We were talking specifically about CRTs.) This is bound to be untrue and I was hoping to get someone here to refute his statement. (The fact that they also had a dedicated DVD player running signals to one of the only TVs in the store that he claimed would do the unsquishing running in non-anamorphic mode was unsettling. I changed it myself and it looked way better.)

Anyway, I kinda wanted to stay away from the Sonys because they're real expensive, their convergence was not very good compared to other sets, and I've had trouble with them before. As a side note, does anyone know if TV manufacturers are using old NTSC tubes in their new 4:3 HDTV sets? That would explain the better convergence and the higher cost on the 16:9 sets.
Bitt Faulk