thanks for the help here is what i came up with as my memory ain't good enough to remeber what all the buttons do but i might be adventureus and get the searching working through the steering wheel remote


80af5067=ffffff ; ignore bogus codes from func button

ad520a.L=20df12,20df10,20df10,20df10,20df10,20df12,20df12 ; dimmer

ad521a.LM=20df07 ; player mode long press source = tuner
ad521a.LT=20df03 ; tuner mode long press source = source
ad520b.L=20df16.L ; long press vol- = hush
ad520d.L=20df01 ; long press audio = 2 tweak artist
ad5212.L=20df00 ; long press band = 1 time

ad520a=20df13 ; vol up = vol up
ad520b=20df17 ; vol down = vol down
ad520c=8 ; ATT = knob press
ad5212=20df14 ; band = info cycle
ad521a=20df15 ; source = visual cycle
ad5240=20df0c ; up = cancel
ad5242=20df10 ; left = left
ad5243=20df11 ; right = right
ad5241=20df12 ; down = menu
ad5219=20df0d ; func = shuffle toggle
ad520d=20df02 ; audio = tweak source

And mark here is attached in a easy format (i hope) and right this time

48954-CD-SR80.txt (206 downloads)

P.Allison fixer of big engines Mk2+Mk2a signed by God / Hacked by the Lord Aberdeen Scotland